
I have 3 ideas 
1. Dub over possibly with Foley sound, on part of an episode or as the show doesn't flow from scene to scene and edited together sequence of about 5 minuets.
2. A.S.M.R.
3. Audio book reading Earth bound, a shot thriller story, from Smashed by Junji Ito.

My chosen idea: The dub over
I will go through the episodes and put together minuets of my favourite clips from the show then dub over it with 2 voice actors which can be anyone as the voice actors in the official dub of the show dubbed over it with women then men at the end. Pop Team Epic is a parody anime making fun of other anime's tropes and referencing other pop culture, also is super random and really comedic, despite the colourful and cute animation style it is NOT FOR KIDS! 
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Basic idea:- I will do a dub over of a few clips from pop team epic, that I have chosen as some of the parts in episode I don't really like so I thought it would be better if it was a few clips from some of my favourite parts. The whole thing will probably be 3 or 4 minuets long as each scene in the show is only a few seconds long, because the whole show was developed from a comic strip, which is why the scenes are short. this anime is just funny and random so the reaction from the audience would probably hopefully be happy, maybe a bit of confusion and of course a little bit of laughter.
Since I'm using visual with my sound project and it is anime the expected audience would be people who like anime about 15+ to about 26, but this anime is humours and pokes fun at other anime so it might attract people who don't watch anime in general just for it's humour and art style that looks a little different to normal anime. 
The research that I intend to do is look at other fan dubs and watch other parody anime/shows. I haven't found any yet but when I do I will list some here, then look into them further. I will also watch the anime its self to see how i can make it different and maybe more funnier.
Voice: I will get two people to voice act the two main characters and possibly one more if need be. The voice actors could be anyone as the show in both dub and sub are voiced by women and men. I will record the voices for all the clips I choose. The mic I will use to record the voices will but the rode condenser mic that I will borrow from the college.
Foley: I will do the Foley sound on one or two of the clips and depending on how well they go, I may do Foley sound for the rest of the clips. I will use the ZOOM mic to record the Foley sound, Kailey and I are going to do the same thing but different anime, so we are going to help each other with making the Foley sounds.
Incidental: Same with the Foley sound but one of the characters is very aggressive so they're may be some to emphasise the character.
Ambient: Same with Foley sound
Music: If the clip has music in it I'll probably just keep it in and won't change it, I may try using a different song. probably just off the internet or I might try and make very basic background music that will match the show.  
Time management, making plans on a non busy day.
Organisation, make sure I look at the footage to make better Foley sounds/ planing out the session.
Equipment:- ZOOM mic for Foley sounds and Rode condenser mic for the voices. 

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Processes:- This show doesn't have much sound, so might add more so its not a complete copy of the show. When making the Foley sounds I will make sure to have the clips in front of me so the right sounds are made, last time we didn't do that but it was good enough.
