
Over All Production Schedule
I am going to watch each episode then pick a couple of clips from each, edit them together and that will be my script. When recording the voice acting, I will use a condenser mic in a confined space to reduce static and background noise. For the Foley sounds I will use a zoom mic and record them when I find a good sound for that part.
I have now finished picking and putting the clips together, this is the script. In the final version I might just cut the last one out as I did just put it in as a joke.
This is the original short video I have edited together to make the script.
written script

Scene 1
Interior: Aeroplane. Pipimi and Popuko are sitting in their seats, the flight attendant is walking down the isle asking each patron which flavour they would like.

Flight attendant: beef or chicken?

Popuko: *gets visibly annoyed* mmmmmmmm

Pipimi places her hand on Popuko’s shoulder, Popuko looks up at her in an annoyed confusion

Pipimi: BEEF *Pipimi says in a calm tone to the flight attendant*

Popuko: *spits on the ground* your life has been spared!

Scene 2
Int or Ext: Blank plain of existence. Popuko and Pipimi are standing next to each other.

Popuko: when I see a jagged speech bubble in manga, it kills me.

A jagged speech bubble appears just in front of Pipimi killing Popuko instantly. She falls to the ground and her soul leaves her 
body as an angel.

Pipimi: WHAT!

A jagged speech bubble appears just in front of Pipimi, killing Popuko instantly. She falls to the ground and her soul leaves her body as an angel.

Popuko: when I see a jagged speech bubble in manga, it kills me. *said in a loud angry voice*

Pipimi: WHAT!

A jagged speech bubble appears just in front of Pipimi, killing Popuko instantly. This time Popuko is dead for good.
Scene 3

Int: Ramen shop. A ramen chef gives Pipimi a bowl of ramen.

Chef: Here you go girls enjoy

The man walks away as Pipimi gets her phone out to take a picture.

Pipimi: I’m gonna Instagram this

Popuko puts her arms out to photo bomb the picture, she does so continuously.

Popuko: hup hup re re bom bom teeeeeeeeeeeee *other unidentifiable noises*

Scene 4
Int: Popuko’s bedroom. Popuko is about to go to school when her blanket gains sentience and come towards her to make her go back to sleep.

Popuko: okay blankey time for me to go to school

As Popuko walks up to the door the blanket shuffles towards her
Popuko: no! I can’t sleep now! if I sleep now, I’ll be in big troub…
The blanket is successful and Popuko falls to the ground slowly, falling asleep under the blanket.

Popuko: zzzzzzzzzzz
Scene 5

Int: Popuko’s bedroom. Popuko wakes up, stretching her arm out as she sits up while peer gynt’ morning plays in the background.

Popuko: aaaaah, I slept sooo well

Popuko gets ready for school, she then he goes to open the curtains as she opens them.

Popuko: oh my… mmmmmmmmm

she realizes it is still night-time and she hasn’t been sleeping for long. She then looks down to the song graphic, she grabs it and starts to destroy it.


She then hits it across the wall and the end breaks off smashing the screen.

Voice acting
For the voice acting I asked 4 people, 3 of them either backed out or didn't bother getting back. Jasmine got back with her audition recording, it was good, and she might be in it. I was thinking though, that I don't want all my projects to have the same people in it so I'm going to ask 2 other people and if they get back then Jasmine can be one of the secondary characters.
After I have a clear cast I will record the voices, then in audition I will make Popuko’s voice higher as the voice I have in mind for her is quite high. Then for Pipimi’s voice I won’t edit that much. I have asked Kailey to be Pipimi, as her voice is a somewhat of what I imagined the character sounding, Kailey said she would do it, so jasmine will be the secondary characters.
I have two parts done so far, I'm going to go through them and name the recordings then start to sync them up with the visual element.
Since Kailey didn't finish her lines I have asked her to come in on this Wednesday morning to finish them, if she doesn't come in then I'll do Foley. 
